Wednesday, April 7, 2010

"Bieber Fever" lasting?

What is "Bieber Fever?" Is it contagious? Does it hurt?
Don't worry, it doesn't sting. But, once the fever is in your system, there's no hiding from it.
Sixteen-year-old Justin Bieber from Canada has taken America by storm with his debut album "My World" featuring the hit singles "One Time" and "One Less Lonely Girl." Fans both young and old have flocked to his music videos and made him a daily "Trending Topic" on Twitter.
What does this young artist have that others don't, and how did he get "It"? The big question is "Will 'It' last?"
Right now he's a force in young Pop/R&B music in the U.S. and Canada. That force is referred to as "Bieber Fever." But what about other artists similar to him?
Jesse McCartney became famous in the pop group "Dream Street," releasing a sugar-filled group album of love songs in 2000. In 2008 he switched his style to an adult R&B sound with his third solo album "Departure." McCartney made the crossover from "Teen Idol" to "adult artist." He made it. What about Bieber? Will the fever continue or will it subside?
March 23, Bieber made his first appearance on BET's show "106 & Park" where he revealed he was single and "swagged out." His self-proclaimed swagged status raised excitement from the hosts and audience. He also performed his leading single "Baby." His swagged status must have been high
that day.
Right now, Bieber is everywhere - television appearances, radio interviews - everywhere. This summer he's headlining his first solo tour "2010 Justin Bieber Tour" to promote his sophomore album "My World 2.0."
Whether he becomes a lasting artist is yet to be determined. But, if he keeps going, he'll get there.

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